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From paper pro to digital hero: transform with content management tools

Conference Presentation

Duration: 3 min. read


Integration - EHR or ERP or Epic, DMS - Document management system, ECM - Enterprise content management

From paper pro to digital hero: transform with content management tools

®Looking to better manage your paper, digital, and legacy content? There are new ways to transform your organization from what’s left of paper into a digital workplace with content management tools while eliminating the need for your staff to log into more than one system. An enterprise content management (ECM) system enables your organization to effectively accomplish its content management strategy, allowing your clinicians to interact with data seamlessly within the electronic health record (EHR).

ECM, as defined by the Association for Intelligent Information Management (AIIM), is “the systematic collection and organization of information to achieve business goals. It is a dynamic combination of strategies, methods, and tools used to capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver information supporting key organizational processes through its entire lifecycle.” Effectiveness, efficiency, compliance, and continuity combine to drive an ongoing and evolving strategy for maximizing how content is used.

For more than 30 years, Quest Diagnostics has worked closely with EHR vendors and other healthcare IT companies to deliver an ECM strategy to promote better patient care, enhance operational efficiencies, and reduce the overall cost of healthcare. Our customers can rely on Quanum® Enterprise Content Solutions as part of this strategy. Our system is designed to help hospitals, health systems, and large ambulatory groups drive operational efficiency to achieve enterprise-wide document management.

Key features to elevate your organizational content throughout the data lifecycle include:

Intelligent Data Capture (IDC) uses a patented technology that accelerates both automated and manual document-related workflows. IDC analyzes and identifies content with supervised machine learning, extracts pertinent data, and indexes the document, often without user intervention.

Enterprise Search provides an enterprise search utility to unlock your structured and unstructured content, including legacy data to make it useful again. It integrates data silos to unlock your information, accelerate insight discovery to uncover trends, patterns, and relationships, and increase the effectiveness of finding the right information at the right time.

Forms Management delivers full integration, enabling cost control and retirement of stand-alone form applications via the Intelligent eForms and Forms On-demand features.

Business Process Management improves workflows across the enterprise through automation. Data is delivered to users at critical points within a process to elevate efficiencies.

Whether you are transitioning to a new ECM system or looking to introduce one into your current IT infrastructure for the first time, our experienced professionals can help you build a system that meets your unique organizational goals. With Quanum Enterprise Content Solutions, you can feel confident in the security, accessibility, and interoperability of your invaluable patient data.

Our collaborative relationships with top EHR vendors allow for system integrations and enhanced user experiences within healthcare organizations. Users can stay within their workflow and primary systems for seamless, unified access to their complete clinical and business records. Our technologies can improve patient care while also helping to develop your people and processes into digital assets. 

Watch Quanum Enterprise Content Solutions in action

Discover how Quanum Enterprise Content Solutions can help you establish a more complete, current, and accurate care profile for your patients. View our Paper pro to digital hero presentation below, then contact us today to activate your content.

Page Published: January 31, 2025
Page Updated: 17-May-2022