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Flow Cytometry Assay Modifications: Recommendations for Method Validation Based on CLSI H62 Guidelines

Flow Cytometry Assay Modifications: Recommendations for Method Validation Based on CLSI H62 Guidelines

Authors: Monaghan SA, Eck S, Bunting S, Dong XX, Durso RJ, Gonneau C, Hays A, Illingworth A, League SC, Linskens E, McCausland M, McCloskey TW, Rolf N, Shi M, Wallace PK, Litwin V, Kern W, Deeb G, Nash V, Olteanu H

Citation: Cytometry B Clin Cytom. 2024 Aug 21. doi: 10.1002/cyto.b.22202. Online ahead of print.

Specialties: Laboratory medicine, Other