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Ten days, Two Accolades: Quest Honored for Promoting Gender Equality

Ten days, Two Accolades: Quest Honored for Promoting Gender Equality

We're making strides towards gender equality at Quest in the boardroom and management; and others are taking noticeQuest was recently recognized by the Executive Women of New Jersey (EWNJ) on October 29, at the A Seat at the Table Corporate Gender Diversity Awards Breakfast. Quest was honored

for making the EWNJ Honor Roll, a list of thirty New Jersey public companies that have three or more women on their boards. Janet Piscitelli, M.D., VP and Chief Laboratory Officer, accepted the award on Quest's behalf. At the event, EWNJ released their exclusive report on the number of women serving on boards and in the top leadership of public companies in New Jersey. Quest women leaders, Carrie Eglinton Manner, SVP, Advanced Diagnostics, CathyDoherty, SVP, Clinical Franchise Services and Marketing, Gabrielle Wolfson, SVP, Chief Information and Digital Officer, and Cecilia McKenney, SVP and Chief Human Resources Officer were recognized.The accolades continued…Quest was honored again on November 7 by The Women's Forum of New York (WFNY), at the 2019 Breakfast of Corporate Champions. The event recognized

companies for achieving at least 30 percent of board seats held by women. Quest was one of only six healthcare companies recognized for having 40% or more of board seats held by women. Quest's representation is 43%; nearly double the current national average of 23%. More than 600 leaders attended the breakfast. Quest participants in the event included Judy Carter, Executive Sales Director; Leza Gallo, M.D., Medical Director; Gayle Gannon, Health Systems Business Director; Diane Giovagnoli, Director, Women's Health; Cecilia McK​enney, SVP and Chief Human Resources Officer; Janet Piscitelli, M.D., VP and Chief Laboratory Officer; Gary Samuels, VP, Corporate Communications, Tara St-Pierre, Executive Director, Human Resources Business Partner; and Gabrielle Wolfson, SVP, Chief Information and Digital Officer.
Women at Quest by the numbers…"Quest has a lot to be proud of leading the way as an employer that champions women in the workplace," said Cecilia. With over 46,000 employees, 72%, or 33,000, are women. Women hold 56% of management roles and 31% of our Senior Management Team roles.  ​