Quest Diagnostics is first national laboratory provider to offer Cardio IQ® Insulin Resistance Panel with Score for use in primary care settings
A novel laboratory method can aid the identification of insulin resistance (IR), a precursor to prediabetes and type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in
Journal of the Endocrine Society. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine and Quest Diagnostics developed the method and conducted the study.The findings are significant because they validate the use of the first IR assessment method to utilize insulin and C-peptide measurements, making it suitable for use in primary care settings.The goal of the study was to develop an improved method of scoring the probability of IR. This new method is based on assessment of fasting insulin and C-Peptide measurements that can be performed from a single blood draw. And this new method has been validated against a gold-standard measurement of IR, which requires intravenous infusion, making it unsuitable for primary care settings. Using the new method, an IR probability score (based on a model that included insulin, C-peptide, creatinine, TG/HDL-C and BMI) had an odds ratio that was 26.7 (95%CI 14.0 to 50.8) for those with scores >66% compared with those with scores <33%. And when only insulin and C-peptide were included in the model, the odds ratio was 15.6 (95%CI 7.5 to 32.4) for those with scores >66% compared with those with scores <33%.

IR can begin 10 years or more before it progresses to prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other adverse health conditions. An estimated 60 million Americans are insulin-resistant, and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) estimates that without lifestyle changes, up to 50 percent of people with insulin resistance and prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes.The researchers hope the availability of this new method spurs earlier stage assessments of IR, which may be reversible with aggressive behavioral and other modifications.“We found an IR probability score can help physicians assess risk across a variety of populations, including asymptomatic individuals and people who are at higher risk of diabetes based on genetics. This may help identify and motivate patients who would benefit from preventative efforts or intensive lifestyle changes,” said researcher Michael J. McPhaul, MD, Medical Director, Endocrinology, Quest Diagnostics.To ensure broad access, Quest Diagnostics is making the method broadly available through its Cardio IQ® portfolio of advanced cardiovascular disease testing."Our Cardio IQ IR Panel with Score reflects Quest’s commitment to innovations with the potential to impact health outcomes and control costs,” said Jay Wohlgemuth, MD, senior vice president and chief medical officer, Quest Diagnostics. “Millions of people who are insulin-resistant can now be identified and empowered to take preventative actions when they see their physician. We are pleased to make this test available to patients through our Cardiometabolic Center of Excellence.”Quest Diagnostics, the leader in cardiovascular testing analysis, offers the Cardio IQ
® solution for lipid particle analysis, inflammation, genetic, and metabolic testing. In 2017, Quest acquired Cleveland HeartLab and established the company’s first national center of excellence in cardiometabolic disorders.
- Physicians can find out more about Cardio IQ®here.
- Patients can find out more about Cardio IQ® and Quest Diagnostics heart disease testing here.