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Could It Be Celiac Disease?

Could It Be Celiac Disease?

People with chronic stomach issues can have different symptoms. Symptoms that can mean celiac disease. Celiac disease is an inherited autoimmune disease. When a person with the disease eats a substance called gluten, it causes the body to attack the intestines. It’s a common condition, but most people with celiac disease don’t even know they have it. In fact, 83% of people with celiac disease are diagnosed with the wrong condition or not diagnosed at all. Could you be one of them?There are more than 300 symptoms and conditions related to celiac diseaseThe symptoms of celiac disease can show up alone or in any number of combinations. Two out of five people with celiac disease have no symptoms at all. That can make it difficult to diagnose. Often, it can take years.Watch our video below and visit to find out more about the symptoms of celiac disease, information about requesting the test from your doctor, watch the stories of celiac sufferers, and more. 


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Shop online for a Celiac (Gluten) Disease Panel - no doctor visit required for purchase